Monday, April 27, 2009

Papyrus and Barnes & Noble for all your paper needs!

Thanks to the fabulousness of my colleague and friend Deb I am able to come up for air in my entirely too hectic academic schedule and share these amazing offers with you. The first two are from Barnes and Noble, and the third is from Papyrus.

Again, what's great about these offers is that you don't have to spend a minimum amount of money in order to cash in. The only downside to these is that you have to order online, and therefore in most cases must pay shipping fees. At, though, if you spend $25 shipping is FREE.

Speaking of Mother's Day, have you started shopping yet?
I'm not sure I've ever really told anyone, but I absolutely adore Papyrus. From the writing paper, to the wrapping paper, to the ribbons and bows I have always wanted to receive a gift from this store (or give one, even). Perhaps with this 30% coupon I'll be feeling generous.


  1. woo hoo. i am just going to keep forwarding you all of my online coupons! and my friend gave you a shout-out on her blog too.

  2. LOL you just keep making me spend more money. And I love it.

  3. P.S. (I'm the friend of Deb's who gave you the shout out.) If you'd like to view my blog, please just e-mail me. My blog is private.


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